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180 Courtesy Jon Baron and Hal Ersner-Hershfield. Ersner-Hershfield, H., M. T. Garton, K. Ballard, G. R. Samanez-Larkin, and B. Knutson. «Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow: Individual Differences in Future Self-Continuity Account for Saving». Judgment and Decision Making 4 (2009): 280–86.

181 Ersner-Hershfield, H., D. G. Goldstein, W. F. Sharpe, J. Fox, L. Yeykelvis, L. L. Carstensen, and J. Bailenson. «Increasing Saving Behavior Through Age-Progressed Renderings of the Future Self». Journal of Marketing Research, in press.

182 Peters, J., and C. Buchel. «Episodic Future Thinking Reduces Reward Delay Discounting Through an Enhancement of Prefrontal-Mediotemporal Interactions». Neuron 66 (2010): 138–48.

183 Murru, E. C., and K. A. Martin Ginis. «Imagining the Possibilities: The Effects of a Possible Selves Intervention on Self-Regulatory Efficacy and Exercise Behavior». Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology 32 (2010): 537–54.

184 Kivetz, R., and A. Keinan. «Repenting Hyperopia: An Analysis of Self-Control Regrets». Journal of Consumer Research 33 (2006): 273–82.

185 Kivetz, R., and I. Simonson. «Self-Control for the Righteous: Toward a Theory of Precommitment to Indulgence». Journal of Consumer Research 29 (2002): 199–217. Див. також: Haws, K. L., and C. Poynor. «Seize the Day! Encouraging Indulgence for the Hyperopic Consumer». Journal of Consumer Research 35 (2008): 680–91. Див. також: Keinan, A., and R. Kivetz. «Remedying Hyperopia: The Effects of Self-Control Regret on Consumer Behavior». Journal of Marketing Research 45 (2008): 676–89.

Розділ 8. Інфіковано! Або чому сила волі заразна

186 Carrell, S. E., M. Hoekstra, and J. E. West. «Is Poor Fitness Contagious? Evidence from Randomly Assigned Friends». Working Paper 16518, National Bureau of Economic Research (2010).

187 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention statistics, www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/trends.html#State.

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189 Fowler, J. H., and N. A. Christakis. «Estimating Peer Effects on Health in Social Networks: A Response to Cohen-Cole and Fletcher; and Trogdon, Nonnemaker, and Pais». Journal of Health Economics 27 (2008): 1400–05. Див. також: Rosenquist, J. N., J. Murabito, J. H. Fowler, and N. A. Christakis. «The Spread of Alcohol Consumption Behavior in a Large Social Network». Annals of Internal Medicine 152 (2010): 426–33. Див. також: Christakis, N. A., and J. H. Fowler. «The Collective Dynamics of Smoking in a Large Social Network». New England Journal of Medicine 358 (2008): 2249–58. Див. також: Mednick, S. C., N. A. Christa- kis, and J. H. Fowler. «The Spread of Sleep Loss Influences Drug Use in Adolescent Social Networks». PLoS ONE 5 (2010): e9775. Див. також: Rosenquist, J. N., J. H. Fowler, and N. A. Christakis. «Social Network Determinants of Depression». Molecular Psychiatry (2010): Online advance publication.

190 Cattaneo, L., and G. Rizzolatti. «The Mirror Neuron System». Archives of Neurology 66 (2009): 557–60.

191 Avenanti, A., A. Sirigu, and S. M. Aglioti. «Racial Bias Reduces Empathic Sensorimotor Resonance with Other-Race Pain». Current Biology 20 (2010): 1018–22.

192 Wagner, D. D., S. Dal Cin, J. D. Sargent, W. M. Kelley, and T. F. Heatherton. «Spontaneous Action Representation in Smokers When Watching Movie Characters Smoke». Journal of Neuroscience 31 (2011): 894–98.

193 Fowler, J. H., and N. A. Christakis. «Dynamic Spread of Happiness in a Large Social Network: Longitudinal Analysis over 20 Years in the Framingham Heart Study». BMJ 337 (2008): a2338. Див. також: Cacioppo, J. T., J. H. Fowler, and N. A. Christakis. «Alone in the Crowd: The Structure and Spread of Loneliness in a Large Social Network». Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 97 (2009): 977–91.

194 Aarts, H., P. M. Gollwitzer, and R. R. Hassin. «Goal Contagion: Perceiving Is for Pursuing». Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 87 (2004): 23–37. Див. також: Pontus Leander, N., J. Y. Shah, and T. L. Chartrand. «Moments of Weakness: The Implicit Context Dependencies of Temptations». Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 35 (2009): 853–66.

195 Fishbach, A., and Y. Trope. «Implicit and Explicit Mechanisms of Counteractive Self-Control». In Shah, James Y., and W. Gardner, eds., Handbook of Motivation Science, eds. James Y. Shah and W. Gardner. New York: Guilford, 2007.

196 Keizer, K., S. Lindenberg, and L. Steg. «The Spreading of Disorder». Science 322 (2008): 1681–85.

197 Vanderwal, T., E. Hunyadi, D. W. Grupe, C. M. Connors, and R. T. Schultz. «Self, Mother and Abstract Other: An fMRI Study of Reflective Social Processing». Neuroimage 41 (2008): 1437–46.

198 van Dellen, M. R., and R. H. Hoyle. «Regulatory Accessibility and Social Influences on State Self-Control». Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36 (2010): 251–63.

199 Centola, D. «The Spread of Behavior in an Online Social Network Experiment». Science 329 (2010): 1194–97.

200 Nolan, J. M., P. W. Schultz, R. B. Cialdini, N. J. Goldstein, and V Griskevicius. «Normative Social Influence Is Underdetected». Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 34 (2008): 913–23.

201 Anshel, M. H. «The Disconnected Values (Intervention) Model for Promoting Healthy Habits in Religious Institutions». Journal of Religion and Health 49 (2010): 32–49.

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204 Powell, T. M., J. A. de Lemos, K. Banks, C. R. Ayers, A. Rohatgi, A. Khera, D. K. McGuire, et al. «Body Size Misperception: A Novel Determinant in the Obesity Epidemic». ­Archives of Internal Medicine 170 (2010): 1695–97.

205 Perkins, H. W. «Social Norms and the Prevention of Alcohol Misuse in Collegiate Contexts». Journal of Studies on Alcohol Supplement 14 (2002): 164–72.

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