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H.-R. Lee, and S. Dal Cin. «Good Self-Control Moderates the Effect of Mass Media on Adolescent Tobacco and Alcohol Use: Tests with Studies of Children and Adolescents». Health Psychology 29 (2010): 539–49. Cetyn, B., H. B. Gunduz, and A. Akin. «An Investigation of the Relationships between Self-Compassion, Motivation, and Burnout with Structural Equation Modeling». Abant Yzzet Baysal Universitesi Editim Fafultesi Dergisi Cilt 8 (2008): 39–45.

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Розділ 7. Майбутнє на продаж: економіка миттєвої насолоди

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172 Schelling, T. C. «Egonomics, or the Art of Self-Management». The American Economic Review 68 (1978): 290–94.

173 Ainslie, G. «Specious Reward: A Behavioral Theory of Impulsiveness and Impulse Control». Psychological Bulletin 82 (1975): 463–96.

174 Grossman, L. «Jonathan Franzen: Great American Novelist». Time. August 12, 2010.

175 Rosen, M. I., B. J. Rounsaville, K. Ablondi, A. C. Black, and R. A. Rosenheck. «Advisor-Teller Money Manager (ATM) Therapy for Substance Use Disorders». Psychiatric Services 61 (2010): 707–13. Див. також: Black, A. C., and M. I. Rosen. «A Money Management-Based Substance Use Treatment Increases Valuation of Future Rewards». Addictive Behaviors 36 (2011): 125–28.

176 Mitchell, J. P., J. Schirmer, D. L. Ames, and D. T. Gilbert. «Medial Prefrontal Cortex Predicts Intertemporal Choice». Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23 (2011): 857–66. Див. також: D’Argembeau, A., D. Stawarczyk, S. Majerus, F. Collette, M. Van der Linden, and E. Salmon. «Modulation of Medial Prefrontal and Inferior Parietal Cortices When Thinking About Past, Present, and Future Selves». Social Neuroscience 5 (2010): 187–200. Див. також: Ersner-Hershfield, H., G. E. Wimmer, and B. Knutson. «Saving for the Future Self: Neural Measures of Future Self-Continuity Predict Temporal Discounting». Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 4 (2009): 85–92.

177 Pronin, E., C. Y. Olivola, and K. A. Kennedy. «Doing unto Future Selves as You Would Do unto Others: Psychological Distance and Decision Making». Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 34 (2008): 224–36.

178 Mitchell, J. P., J. Schirmer, D. L. Ames, and D. T. Gilbert. «Medial Prefrontal Cortex Predicts Intertemporal Choice». Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23 (2011): 857–66.

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