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A. Bargh, and K. D. Brownell. «Priming Effects of Television Food Advertising on Eating Behavior». Health Psychology 28 (2009): 404–13.

126 Petry, N. M., B. Martin, J. L. Cooney, and H. R. Kranzler. «Give Them Prizes, and They Will Come: Contingency Management for Treatment of Alcohol Dependence». Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 68 (2000): 250–57. Див. також: Petry, N. M. «Contingency Management Treatments». The British Journal of Psychiatry 198 (2006): 97–98.

127 Kash, T. L., W. P. Nobis, R. T. Matthwes, and D. G. Winder. «Dopamine Enhances Fast Excitatory Synaptic Transmission in the Extended Amygdala by a CRF-R1–Dependent Process». The Journal of Neuroscience 28 (2008): 13856–65.

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129 Wansink, B., and J. Kim. «Bad Popcorn in Big Buckets: Portion Size Can Influence Intake as Much as Taste». Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 37: 242–45.

130 Smith, B. W., B. M. Shelley, L. Leahigh, and B. Vanleit. «A Preliminary Study of the Effects of a Modified Mindfulness Intervention on Binge Eating». Complementary Health Practice Review 11 (2006): 133–43. Див. також: Dalen, J., B. W. Smith, B. M. Shelley, A. L. Sloan, L. Leahigh, and D. Begay. «Pilot Study: Mindful Eating And Living (MEAL): Weight, Eating Behavior, and Psychological Outcomes Associated with a Mindfulness-Based Intervention for People with Obesity». Complementary Therapies in Medicine 18 (2010): 260–64.

131 Miller, J. M., S. R. Vorel, A. J. Tranguch, E. T. Kenny, P Mazzoni, W. G. van Gorp, and H. D. Kleber. «Anhedonia After a Selective Bilateral Lesion of the Globus Pallidus». American Journal of Psychiatry 163 (2006): 786–88. Так само, як і в інших історіях і випадках, імена героїв, описаних у цій книжці, вигадані.

132 Heller, A. S., T. Johnstone, A. J. Shackman, S. N. Light, M. J. Peterson, G. G. Kol­den, N. H. Kalin, and R. J. Davidson. «Reduced Capacity to Sustain Positive Emotion in Major Depression Reflects Diminished Maintenance of Fronto-Striatal Brain Activation». Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (2009): 22445–50.

Розділ 6. Ефект «якого біса», або Чому відчуття провини — неефективна мотивація

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135 Oaten, M., and K. Cheng. «Academic Examination Stress Impairs Self-Control». Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 24 (2005): 254–79.

136 Sinha, R., C. Lacadie, P Skudlarski, R. Fulbright, B. Rounsaville, T. Kosten, and B. Wexler. «Neural Activity Associated with Stress- Induced Cocaine Cra­ving: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study». Psychopharmacology 183 (2005): 171–80.

137 Macdiarmid, J. I., and M. M. Hetherington. «Mood Modulation by Food: An Exploration of Affect and Cravings in ‘Chocolate Addicts’». British Journal of Clinical Psychology 34 (1995): 129–38.

138 Chun, H., V. M. Patrick, and D. J. MacInnis. «Making Prudent Vs. Impulsive Choices: The Role of Anticipated Shame and Guilt on Consumer Self-Control». Advances in Consumer Research 34 (2007): 715–19.

139 Erblich, J., C. Lerman, D. W. Self, G. A. Diaz, and D. H. Bovbjerg. «Stress-Induced Cigarette Craving: Effects of the Drd2 Taqi Rflp and Slc6a3 Vntr Polymorphisms». The Pharmacogenomics Journal 4 (2004): 102–09.

140 Pine, K. J. «Report on a Survey into Female Economic Behaviour and the Emotion Regulatory Role of Spending». Sheconomics website, 2009, pp. 1– 24. www.sheconomics.com/downloads/womens_emotions.pdf.

141 Tice, D. M., and E. Bratslavsky. «Giving In to Feel Good: The Place of Emotion Regulation in the Context of General Self-Control». Psychological Inquiry: An International Journal for the Advancement of Psychological Theory 11 (2000): 149–59.

142 Oliver, G., J. Wardle, and E. L. Gibson. «Stress and Food Choice: A Laboratory Study». Psychosomatic Medicine 62 (2000): 853–65.

143 Burke, B. L., A. Martens, and E. H. Faucher. «Two Decades of Terror Management Theory: A Meta-Analysis of Mortality Salience Research». Personality and Social Psychology Review 14 (2010): 155–95.

144 Mandel, N., and D. Smeesters. «The Sweet Escape: Effects of Mortality Salience on Consumption Quantities for High- and Low-Self-Esteem Consumers». Journal of Consumer Research 35 (2008): 309–23.

145 Mandel, N., and S. J. Heine. «Terror Management and Marketing: He Who Dies with the Most Toys Wins». Advances in Consumer Research 26 (1999): 527–32.

146 Arndt, J., S. Solomon, T. Kasser, and K. M. Sheldon. «The Urge to Splurge: A Terror Management Account of Materialism and Consumer Behavior». Journal of Consumer Psychology 14 (2004): 198–212.

147 Cryder, C. E., J. S. Lerner, J. J. Gross, and R. E. Dahl. «Misery Is Not Miserly: Sad and Self-Focused Individuals Spend More». Psychological Science 19 (2008): 525–30.

148 Hansen, J., S. Winzeler, and S. Topolinski. «When the Death Makes You Smoke: A Terror Management Perspective on the Effectiveness of Cigarette on-Pack Warnings». Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 46 (2010): 226–28.

149 Muraven, M., R. L. Collins, E. T. Morsheimer, S. Shiffman, and J. A. Paty. «The Morning After: Limit Violations and the Self-Regulation of Alcohol Consumption». Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 19 (2005): 253–62.

150 Polivy, J., and C. P. Herman. «Dieting and Binging: A Causal Analysis». American Psychologist 40 (1985): 193–201. Див. також: guilt survey: Steenhuis, I. «Guilty or Not? Feelings of Guilt About Food Among College Women». Appetite 52 (2009): 531–34.

151 Polivy, J., C. P. Herman, and R. Deo. «Getting a Bigger Slice of the Pie. Effects on Eating and Emotion in Restrained and Unrestrained Eaters». Appetite 55 (2010): 426–30.

152 McFarlane, T., J. Polivy, and C. P. Herman. «Effects of False Weight Feedback on Mood, Self-Evaluation, and Food Intake in Restrained and Unrestrained Eaters». Journal of Abnormal Psychology 107 (1998): 312–18.

153 Adams, C. E., and M. R. Leary. «Promoting Self-Compassionate Attitudes toward Eating among Restrictive and Guilty Eaters». Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 26 (2007): 1120–44.

154 Trumpeter, N., P. J. Watson, and B. J. O’Leary. «Factors within Multidimensional Perfectionism Scales: Complexity of Relationships with Self-Esteem, Narcissism, Self-Control, and Self-Criticism». Personality and Individual Differences 41 (2006): 849–60. Див. також: Wills, T. A., F. X. Gibbons, J. D. Sargent, M. Gerrard,

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