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Розділ 9. Не думайте про білого ведмедя: межі сили волі

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233 Wegner, D. M., R. Erber, and S. Zanakos. «Ironic Processes in the Mental Control of Mood and Mood-Related Thought». Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 65 (1993): 1093–104.

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236 Wegner, D. M., and S. Zanakos. «Chronic Thought Suppression». Journal of Personality 62 (1994): 616–40. Див. також: Muris, P., H. Merckelbach, and R. Horselenberg. «Individual Differences in Thought Suppression. The White Bear Suppression Inventory: Factor Structure, Reliability, Validity and Correlates». Behaviour Research and Therapy 34: 501–13.

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