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Expectations and the Academic Achievement of Immigrant and Native Students”, Sociology of Education 71, no. 3 (July 1998), pp. 175–98.

605 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Results from the 2011 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Summary of National Findings, NSDUH Series H-44, HHS Publication No. (SMA) 12–4713, Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2012, .g. 2.11, 3.2; Li-Tzy Wu et al., “Racial/Ethnic Variations in Substance-Related Disorder Among Adolescents in the United States”, Archives of General Psychiatry 2011, 68:11, 1176–85, p. 1179.

606 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Birth Rates for U.S. Teenagers Reach Historic Lows for All Age and Ethnic Groups”, NCHS Data Brief, April 2012, . g. 3.

607 Ruben G. Rumbaut, “Paradise Shift: Immigration, Mobility, and Inequality in Southern California”, Working Paper No. 14 (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Oct. 2008) p. 5.

608 Baumeister and Tierney, Willpower, pp. 129–41; див. також M. Muraven, R. F. Baumeister and D. M. Tice, “Longitudinal Improvement of Self-Regulation Through Practice: Building Self-Control Through Repeated Exercise”,Journal of Social Psychology 139 (1999), pp. 446–57; див. також Heidi Grant Halvorson, PhD, Succeed: How We Can Reach Our Goals (New York: Plume, 2012), pp. xvii–xxi; M. Oaten and K. Cheng, “Improved Self-Control: The Bene.ts of a Regular Program of Academic Study”, Basic and Applied Social Psychology 28 (2006), pp. 1–16; M. Oaten and K. Cheng, “Longitudinal Gains in Self-Regulation from Regular Physical Exercise”, British Journal of Health Psychology 11 (2006), pp. 717–33.

609 Claudia L. Bushman, Contemporary Mormonism: Latter-day Saints in Modern America (Westport, CT, and London: Praeger, 2006), p. 20.

610 Tim B. Heaton, Kristen L. Goodman, and Thomas Holman, “In Search of a Peculiar People: Are Mormon Families Really Di.erent?” in Marie Cornwall, Tim B. Heaton, and Lawrence A. Young eds., Contemporary Mormonism: Social Science Perspectives (Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1994), pp. 87, 100; див. також Bushman, Contemporary Mormonism, p. 22.

611 Ibid., p. 30.

612 Ibid., pp. 20, 47.

613 Ibid., p. 62.

614 Ibid.,, pp. 59–61, 63.

615 Je. Benedict, The Mormon Way of Doing Business: How Nine Western Boys Reached the Top of Corporate America (New York: Business Plus, 2007), pp. 14– 5.

616 Ibid., p. 20 (цитата Ґері Крітендена).

617 Keith Parry, “The Mormon Missionary Companionship”, in Cornwall, Heaton, and Young, Contemporary Mormonism, pp. 182–206, Bushman, Contemporary Mormonism, p. 64.

618 Parry, “The Mormon Missionary Companionship”, p. 183.

619 Benedict, The Mormon Way of Doing Business, pp. 51, 60–1.

620 Bushman, Contemporary Mormonism, pp. 44–5.

621 Monte S. Nyman, 28 Truths Taught by the Book of Mormon (San Clemente, CA: Sourced Media Books, 2011), p. 56. 622 Bushman, Contemporary Mormonism, p. 35.

623 Див., наприклад, “Which Romney Son is Creepiest?” Gawker.com, http://gawker.com/5953005/which-romney-son-is-creepiest.

624 Bushman, Contemporary Mormonism, p. 23.

625 Richard N. Ostling and Joan K. Ostling,Mormon America: The Power and the Promise (New York: Harper One, 2007), p. 185; див. також Tim B. Heaton, Kristen L. Goodman, and Thomas Holman, “In Search of a Peculiar People: Are Mormon Families Really Di.erent?” in Marie Cornwall, Tim B. Heaton, and Lawrence A.Young eds., Contemporary Mormonism: Social Science Perspectives (Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1994), pp. 87–117.

626 Armand L. Maus, “Refuge and Retrenchment: The Mormon Quest for Identity”, in Cornwall, Heaton, and Young, Contemporary Mormonism, pp. 24, 36–7; див. також Bowman, The Mormon People, p. 190 (“Греммі” за “Battle Hymn of the Republic”).

627 П’ятьох синів Мітта Ромні часто сприймають як «надто здорових, надто стабільних і якихось надто ідеальних», зокрема «за часів, коли безладні і розхристані родини дедаді частіше починають здаватися новою нормою». Ashley Parker, “Romney Times Four”,New York Times, Jan. 6, 2012.

628 Bushman, Contemporary Mormonism, p. 16.

629 Armand L. Mauss, The Angel and the Beehive: The Mormon Struggle with Assimilation (Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1994), p. 5; Ostling and Ostling, pp. xviii, xx–xxvi.

630 Шалено популярний цикл «Сутінки» написала мормонка Стефані Маєр. Мормонську символіку, якій, на думку авторки, надали надмірного значення, широко обговорювали. Див., наприклад, Angela Aleiss, “Mormon In.uence, Imagery Run Deep Through ‘Twilight’”, Hu.ngton Post, June 24, 2010, http://www.hu. ngtonpost.com/2010/06/24/mormon-in. uence-imagery_n_623487.html.

631 Walter Kirn, “Mormons Rock!”Daily Beast, June 5, 2011 (цитата Дейва Чеккетса).

632 Benedict, The Mormon Way of Doing Business, p. 19 (цитата Дейва Чеккетса).

633 Ibid., p. xiii (цитата Дейвида Нілмена).

634 Ibid., p. 24 (цитата Дейвида Нілмена).

635 James Carroll, “The Mormon Arrival”, Boston Globe, Aug. 7, 2011.

636 Harold Bloom, The American Religion: The Emergence of the Post-Christian Religion (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992), p. 103.

637 Див., наприклад, Louis Ginzberg, “Israel Salanter”, in Jacob Neusner, ed., Understanding Rabbinic Judaism, from Talmudic to Modern Times (Newark: KTAV Publishing, 1974), pp. 355, 378 («поза сумнівом, іудаїзм не є аскетичною релігією»); George Robinson, Essential Judaism: A Complete Guide to Beliefs, Customs, and Rituals (New York: Pocket Books, 2000), p. 84 (“Поза сумнівом, іудаїзм аж ніяк не аскетична релігія”); однак щоб дізнатися протилежну точку зору, див. Eliezer Diamond,Holy Men and Hunger Artists: Fasting and Asceticism in Rabbinic Culture (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004), pp. 5–6 («Я дуже багато разів чув, що іудаїзм — не аскетична релігія, однак досвід свідчить про інше»); James A. Montgomery, “Ascetic Strains in Early Judaism”, Journal of Biblical Literature 51, no. 3 (September, 1932), pp. 183–213.

638 Див. Ronald L. Eisenberg, The 613 Mitzvot: A Contemporary Guide to the Essential of Judaism (Rockville, MD: Schreiber Publishing, 2005); Robinson, Essential Judaism, pp. 196–202, 273–79.

639 Євреї традиційно вважають

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