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Марко Андрійчик - Інтелектуал як герой української прози 90-х років XX століття

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Ukrainian Studies, vol. 27, nos. 1—2 (Summer-Winter 2002): 215—32.

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20. Hundorova, Tamara. The Canon Reversed: New Ukrainian Literature of the 1990s.’ Journal of Ukrainian Studies, vol. 26, no. 1—2 (Summer-Winter 2001): 249—70.

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27. Naydan, Michael M. ‘Translating a Novel’s Novelty: Yuri Andrukhovych’s Perverzion in English.’ Yale Journal of Criticism 16, no. 2 (October 2003): 455—64.

28. Naydan, Michael M. ‘Ukrainian Avant-garde Poetry Today: Bu-Ba-Bu and Others.’ Slavic and East European Journal 50, no. 3 (Fall 2006): 454—70.

29. Naydan, Michael M. ‘Ukrainian Literary Identity Today: the Legacy of the Bu-Ba-Bu Generation after the Orange Revolution.’ World Literature Today, vol. 79, nos. 3—4 (September-December 2005): 24—27.

30. Naydan, Michael M. ‘Ukrainian Prose of the 1990s as It Reflects Contemporary Social Structures.’ The Ukrainian Review 51, no. 1 (Spring 1995): 45—61.

31. Nettle, J.P. ‘Ideas, Intellectuals, and Structures of Dissent.’ In On Intellectuals, edited by Philip Reiff. Garden City: Doubleday, 1969.

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33. Pavlychko, Solomea. ‘Facing Freedom: The New Ukrainian Literature.’ Translated by Askold Melnyczuk. In From Three Worlds: New Writing from Ukraine, edited by Ed Hogan. Boston: Zephyr Press, 1996.

34. Pavlychko, Solomea. Introduction to Tivo Lands New Visions: Stories from Canada and Ukraine. Translated by Marco Carynnyk and Marta Horban. Regina: Coteau Books, 1999.

35. Pavlyshyn, Marko. ‘Literary Politics vs. Literature: Ukrainian Debates in the 1990s.’ Soviet and Post-Soviet Review 28, nos. 1—2 (2001): 147—55.

36. Pavlyshyn, Marko. ‘Choosing a Europe: Andrukhovych, Izdryk and the New Ukrainian Literature.’ New Zealand Slavonic Journal 35 (2001): 37—48.

37. Pavlyshyn, Marko. ‘Demystifying High Culture?’ In Perspectives on Modern Central and Eastern European Literature: Quest for Identity, edited by Todd Patrick Armstrong. Houndmills: Palgrave, 2001.

38. Pavlyshyn, Marko. ‘Literary Canons and National Identities in Contemporary Ukraine.’ Canadian-American Slavic Studies 40, no. 1 (2006): 5—19.

39. Pawliczko, Ann Lencyk, ed. Ukraine and Ukrainians Throughout the World. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994.

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41. Prohasko, Taras. ‘Necropolis.’ In Two Lands New Visions: Stories from Canada and Ukraine. Translated by Marco Carynnyk and Marta Horban. Regina: Coteau Books, 1999.

42. Riabchuk, Mykola. ‘By Way of Summary: Ambivalence to Ambiguity.’ // Дві України: Реальні межі, віртуальні війни. — К.: Критика, 2003.

43. Ricceur, Paul. Oneself as Another. Translated by Kathleen Blarney. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992.

44. Robbins, Bruce. Introduction to Intellectuals: Aesthetics, Politics and Academics, edited by Bruce Robbins. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1990.

45. Romanets, Maryna. ‘Erotic Assemblages: Field Research, Palimpsests, and What Lies Beneath.’ Journal of Ukrainian Studies, vol. 26, nos. 1—2 (2002): 273—85.

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47. Sadri, Ahmad. Max Weber’s Sociology of Intellectuals. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.

48. Said, Edward W. Representations of the Intellectual: The Reith Lectures. New York: Vintage Books, 1994.

49. Salomon, Albert. ‘The Messianic Bohemians.’ In The Intellectuals: A Controversial Portrait, edited by George B. de Huszar.

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