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Сергій Миколайович Поганий - Убивство у Мюнхені. По червоному сліду

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“Щоб врятувати Бандеру, удар авта прийняв на себе…”, Високий замок, 28 грудня 2008.


Munich [base of operations] to Director [CIA], November 24, 1959, IN 11793, Stephen Bandera Name File, vol. 2, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-18, B 6; Random Notes, The Role of Ivan Kashuba, May 2, 1960, ibid.; “Delving Behind the Scenes,” 17; “Ivan Kashuba’s Comments,” 1.


Charles Hawley, “The US Soldier Who Liberated Munich Remembers Confronting the Nazi Enemy,” Spiegel International, April 29, 2005 <http://www.spiegel.de/international/remembering-world-war-ii-the-us-soldier-who-liberated-munich-recalls-confronting-the-nazi-enemy-a-354029.html>.


Information bulletin. Frankfurt, Germany: Office of the US High Commissioner for Germany. Office of Public Affairs, Public Relations Division, APO 757, US Army, August 1951, p. 50.


John Fiehn, “Munich: New Center of Spy Intrigue,” Chicago’s American, January 17, 1960; Marta Dyczok, The Grand Alliance and Ukrainian Refugees (New York, 2000), 42–169.


Munich [General Consulate] to Secretary of State, Department of State, 10490, October 16, 1959, Stephen Bandera Name File, vol. 2, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-18, B 6; Степан Бандера – Осипу Бандері, 1 листопада 1955, у кн. Посівнич, Степан Бандера, 191–194; Степан Бандера – Ярославу Падох, 7 лютого 1959, Jaroslaw Padoch Collection, no. 208, Ukrainian Museum and Library, Stamford, Connecticut.


Timothy Snyder, The Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569–1999 (New Haven, CT, 2004), 154–178; John-Paul Himka, “Ukrainian Collaboration in the Extermination of the Jews During the Second World War: Sorting Out the Long-Term and Conjectural Factors,” in The Fate of the European Jews, 1939–1945: Continuity or Contingency, ed. Jonathan Frankel (Oxford, 1997), 170–189; Alex J. Motyl, “The Ukrainian Nationalist Movement and the Jews: Theoretical Reflections on Nationalism, Fascism, Rationality, Primordialism and History,” in Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry, ed. Anthony Polonsky and Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern, vol. 26 (Oxford, 2014): 275–295.


Richard Breitman and Norman J. W. Goda, Hitler’s Shadow: Nazi War Criminals, U.S. Intelligence, and the Cold War (Washington, DC, 2010), 77–80; Степан Бандера у документах, 3:115–225; Анатоль Камінський, Пролог у холодній війні проти Москви: Продовження визвольної боротьби із-за кордону (Гадяч, 2009), 40–58.


Hitler’s Shadow, p. 80–82, 40–58; Stephen Dorril, MI6: Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty’s Secret Intelligence Service (New York, 2000), pp. 231–235.


Breitman and Goda, Hitler’s Shadow, 82–83, 85–88; Камінський, Пролог у холодній війні проти Москви.


Munich [General Consulate] to Secretary of State, Department of State, 10490, October 16, 1959, Stephen Bandera Name File, vol. 2, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-18, B 6; Page, “Mysterious Poisoning of Stefan Bandera”; Telegram from the Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Department of State, October 13, 1962, Foreign Relations of the United States [FRUS], 1961–1963, vol. 5, no. 245.


Munich to Director, IN 37607, October 15, 1959, Stephen Bandera Name File, vol. 2, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-18, B 6.


Sheridan Sansegundo, “William Hood: Of Moles and Double Agents,” South Hampton Star, June 9, 2005; “Cordelia Dodson Hood, 1913-July 14, 2011,” Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram, July 22, 2011.


Joseph J. Trento, The Secret History of the CIA (New York, 2005), pp. 177–78.


CIA Memorandum, “Meeting with UPHILL Representatives,” May 26, 1961, 1, Stephen Bandera Name File, vol. 2, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-18, B 6; Chief of Base, Munich, to Chief, S[oviet] R[ussia Division], October 5, 1959, DOI 70–17, ibid.; Munich to Director, IN 38209, October 18, 1959, ibid.; “Delving Behind the Scenes,” 4; Chief of Base, Munich, to chief S[oviet] R[ussia], DOI 70–17, October 5, 1958, Stephen Bandera Name File, vol. 2, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-18, B 6; “Visit of Bandera to the USA,” Attachment to EGMA 45003, August 27, 1959, ibid.; Райнгард Гейдейройтер [Reinhard Heydenreuter], “Підготовка та здійснення замаху на Степана Бандеру 1959 р. в дзеркалі мюнхенських поліційних актів”, Український визвольний рух 11 (Львів, 2007): 217.


Munich to Director, IN 37607, October 16, 1959, Stephen Bandera Name File, vol. 2, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-18, B 6; Munich to Director, IN 38209, October 18, 1959, ibid.


E. H. Cookridge, Gehlen: Spy of the Century (New York, 1972); James H. Critchfield, Partners at the Creation: The Men Behind Postwar Germany’s Defense and Intelligence Establishments (Annapolis, MD, 2003), 200–218.


Москвоські вбивці, 22, 36; “Delving Behind the Scenes,” 4–6; Romanowski, Bandera, 24.


Hitler’s Shadow, pp. 84–85; Bandera file, nos. 6, 8, 30, 64.


Московські вбивці, с. 22, 36; Bandera file, nos. 64–66.


Munich to Director, IN 38504, October 19, 1959, Stephen Bandera Name File, vol. 2, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-18, B 6.


“Weather 2011: One of the warmest years in Germany since 1881,” <http://www.wmo.int/pages/mediacentre/news_members/documents/2011_12_29_Deutschlandwetter_2011.pdf>; Hans Widmann, Münchener Großmarkthalle – Gründung, Entwicklung und Perspektiven (Weiden, 2003); Marianne E. Haas, “Die Großmarkthalle – Deutschlands größter Obstbahnhof, ” in Sendling 1977–100 Jahre Eingemeindung. Eine Festschrift von Sendlingern für Sendlinger, ed. Rosel Termolen (Munich, 1977).


Director to Munich, Frankfurt, DIR 01687, November 5, 1959, Stephen Bandera Name File, vol. 2, NARA, RG 263, E ZZ-18, B 6.


“Research Aid: Cryptonyms and Terms in Declassified CIA Files Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Disclosure Acts,” <http://www.archives.gov/iwg/declassified-records/rg-263-cia-records/second-release-lexicon.pdf >.


Д. Вєдєнєєв і Ю. Шаповал, “Мальтійський сокіл, або Доля Мирона Матвієйка”, Дзеркало тижня, № 30 (11 серпня 2001).


Там само; Adam Kaczyński,

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