Терьє Тведт - Історія світу. Минуле як дзеркало сьогодення, Терьє Тведт
Добавити в закладку:
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Tvedt, Terje. 1998/2003. Angels of Mercy or Development Diplomats? NGOs & Foreign Aid. Trenton, US: Africa World Press/Oxford: James Currey.
Tvedt, Terje. 2002. Verdensbilder og selvbilder: en humanitжr stormakts intellektuelle historie. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
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Tvedt, Terje. 2004. The River Nile in the Age of The British. Political Ecology and the Quest for Power. London: IB Tauris.
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Tvedt, Terje, Terje Oestigaard, (red.). 2010. Ideas of Water, vol. I, Series II, у Tvedt, Terje (seriered.), A History of Water, 9 vol., London: IB Tauris.
Tvedt, Terje; Chapman, Graham, Roar Hagen (red.). 2010. Water, Geopolitics and Collective Power in the New World Order, Vol. 3, Series 3, у Tvedt, Terje (seriered.). A History of Water, 9 vol., London: IB Tauris.
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Tvedt, Terje, Terje Oestigaard (red.). 2014. Water and the History of Urbanization, vol. I, Series III, у Tvedt, Terje (seriered.). A History of Water, 9 vol. London: IB Tauris.
Tvedt, Terje; Roberts, Owen, Tadesse Kassa (red.). 2014. Sovereignty and International Water Law, vol II., series III, у Tvedt, Terje (seriered.). A History of Water, 9 vol., London: IB Tauris.
Tvedt, Terje. 2016. Water and Society. Changing Perceptions of Societal and Historical Development. London: IB Tauris.
Tvedt, Terje. 2017. Det internasjonale gjennombruddet. Fra «ettpartistat» til multikulturell stat. Oslo: Dreyer.
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