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Марія Старожицька - Навіщо. What For

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— No shoes, pity. You can’t do it barefoot on gravel.


— Give me a flask, I will go to a well to het water.


— If you see a truck, lie but go to our guys to Volnovakha, and I will go alone.


— It is not a time to pick up girls. The cars / trucks are running very fast on the road and just once in three hours.


— I will watch you with binoculars. How a model is to name situation when she has to go from a heap to road?


— It is defile. The latest trend of the season “Summer2014”. The latest scream…

She turns and goes away.

Scene 19

Laurel is watching where Strilka is with his binoculars.

Theseus is calling.

— Hello to you, too, how are you? … Why are you asking just about me? I am alone here, Strilka went to get water.

(takes a closer look)

— Vow, she is getting into a car, may be, someone is to take her up. I asked her to move on to Volnovakha as you said. And what direction have I to go from here? Yes… All right, I will leave on sunrise. So, it is seven-eight. I can, get it. It’s a lake in the village, with crayfish there, I was diving for them. You say there is no other way, is it? Good. It is always difficult for me to make a choice. How is Nastya? Good, if she is OK. I see… Have you ever seen her? All right, goodbye than, I will go and sink in a deep river. Vow, it is a song about the deep river. Everybody knows it. And where did you come from, so strange?

Theseus with a telephone in his hand

— Strange guy... He has to survive, to get out of trouble, death is around him, and he is jealous. It is curious. But indeed it is time I should meet such incredible girl. A girl with an exquisite nature — that is something unusual in our time. She became confused when I asked her about what they have in common. She did not answer. But there is something more than “I like strong nice military men”… Probably it is a plot about a romantic educated lady and a man, whose ancient Kozak blood woke up. He is like those, whom my Grandfather named — “he kisses a sabre before a woman”.

Scene 20

Strilka is on the road, the “gazik” car approaches, the girl wants to skip it and stops. The car stops, too.


— Where are you going, beauty?


— I try to find water.


— Let me drive you.


— I will go by myself, it is not far from here.


— It is interesting where? And whose shoes are on your legs?


— My husband’s.


— Is your husband a Lilliput (small)?


— Why do you think so?


— Just because your high boots are of 35 size. Get into the car, bitch of Ukrops. Now you will demonstrate how’d you give to the punishers.

Scene 21

Laurel is on the river bank. He takes his shoes off, ties the high boots to his gun machine, planning to swim with them. He takes the mobile phone.

— Nastya? How are you? You know, I saw you last night in my dream — first time after very long. I wanted to see you before, but nothing happened. But at last you came. In that raincoat which covered us from rain. Probably because I was alone and it was cold. No, let them fix, I don’t care, I want to talk, I miss you so much. Very, very, very much. Once Portos told me that you are too beautiful to become mine. And now you are mine, but he never will know about it. Are you mine? Don’t keep silent. You are my native, my lovely, my sweet girl. I ate brier on my way here, it is sweet, but cuts tongue and now it is painful to talk. I don’t know what else to tell you, but promise me that you will happy whatever happens. Do you promise? I will always be with you, I will never lie to you, I will never betray you, I will never leave you …

Laurel stops and watches his phone. The line is disconnected, but he continues to speak. Then he dials the number again.


— A subscriber is out of reach.


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