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Марія Старожицька - Навіщо. What For

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are several groups going out from there, volunteers observe their move and the pro Ukrainian local folks are to take them by cars. Nastya, stop, please. Try to sleep. Nothing depends on you at present. All right, it depends … Excuse me, second line.

… Yes, ask for a bill, I am coming soon.

… Nastya, it is his way, try to understand it, he went to this war as a volunteer and he has to move till the end. It is like in a game, he is moving and I correct his road and he has lives in stock. Do you understand me? No, no thanks, for now…

Scene 17

Elephant (Slon) jumps into a trench and meets Martynov with the gun.


— Fuck, I have to take this loony with myself.


— Kill me here.


— As they say in my native Odessa, no bargaining here. And what I see is not a young recruit, but a serious Russian Capt. or Major. Probably he has something interesting and new in his memory. Let us go, go, it is not far from here. It is a headquarters in Volnovakha, so I will pass you to people there, I’ll take a car and take my guys. Because they think, I am fucking gay. By the way, why did you come so far from your positions? OK, keep silent, you will tell everything later.

He takes Martynov out the trench and they move.


— It is my Grandfathers golden watch, real commander’s watch; I took it with me for good luck. Take it and kill me. Well, kill, and then take it. Anyway, the watch will be the gift.


— You are talking strange things. What is your point? I do not see it.


— I will be disjoint for organs in captivity. Your doctors rehabilitate your wounded by the pieces of ours. The blood is the same, the Russian blood. You have to understand me, it is better to die…


— By the way, I am an American Jew from Odessa, I am real Ortodox Zhydobanderovets and I owed nothing to you. And the brain transplantation would be useful for you, oh yes. Let us thing a marching song, it makes the road fun.

He starts to sing. He twists the gun on Martynov’s back as a conductor. Martynov at first helps to remember words and corrects inaccuracies and then starts to sign, and the both sing together like a choir.

One of our planes was missing

Two hours overdue,

One of our planes was missing

With all it's gallant crew,

The radio sets were humming,

They waited for a word,

Then a voice broke through the humming

And this is what they heard:

«Comin' in on a wing and a prayer,

Comin' in on a wing and a prayer,

Though there's one motor gone

We can still carry on,

Comin' in on a wing and a prayer.

What a show! What a fight!

Yes, we really hit our target for tonight!

How we sing as we limp through the air, Look below, there's our field over there,

With our full crew aboard

And our trust in the Lord

We're comin' in on a wing and a prayer».

There are shoots around, both men fall, both in blood, wounded in legs.


— Are you alive?

Slon (after a pause, examine himself)

— You can’t wait!

Scene 18

Laurel and Strilka. Morning. The heap. Laurel tries to call Tessay and Natya. No answer. He calls his commanders, the same situation.


— I want to drink very much. I cannot wait longer..


— We can drink urine. Take a thermos and pour. Or I will do it, it is easier for me.


— Do not joke, please.


— No jokes here. Cosmonauts drink. I wanted to be a cosmonaut as a child and tried to drink my urine. Nothing terrible.


— I wanted to be a model. I walked in our apartment in a very short bathrobe and Mom’s shoes. Stop, wait a second!

She takes a gown from the pocket on trousers, given by Tetyana. She takes her dress off till underwear and wears the gown, moving close to Laurel.

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