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Джордж Орвелл - Колгосп тварин

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гармидер. Вони метнулись назад і знов заглянули у вікно. Так, там відбувалась горяча суперечка. Гукали, били п’ястуками в стіл, кидали гострі підозрілі погляди, заперечували з піною у роті. Джерело заколоту було мабуть в тому, що Наполеон і п. Пількінгтон обидва вийшли водночас з винового туза.

Дванадцать голосів кричало з пересердя і всі були один до одного подібні. Тепер було без жодного сумніву ясно, що трапилося з обличчями свиней. Створіння, що стояли назовні переносили погляд з свині на людину і з людини знов на свиню, та вже не було змоги сказати, хто були одні, а хто другі.

Листопад 1943 — Лютий 1944.

Про видання (англ.)

19.c. George Orwell, Kolhosp tvarin [Animal Farm], translated into Ukranian by Ivan Chernyatinsky (pseudonym of Ihor Shevchenko), with a preface written by Orwell, Munich: Prometei, 1947.   

PR6029.R8 A6319 1947 Hay Star

Among the earliest translations into an East European language of an Orwell work, it is of special significance because Orwell at the translator’s request specifically wrote an introduction for this edition, in which he presented his personal history and what had led him to write Animal Farm. His aim was less to attack Stalin’s regime than as Robert Conquest puts it "to expose the delusions of intellectuals" – Orwell wanted the world to see the Soviet regime "for what it really was." Shevchenko, later a Professor of Byzantine Literature at Harvard University, undertook this translation on his own, convinced Orwell to write the preface, and oversaw the production of this edition which was meant for Ukranian refugees in occupied Germany in Displaced Persons camps. According to Orwell about 2,000 copies were distributed but American military authorities seized the rest and turned them over to the Soviet repatriation people. At his insistence Orwell received no royalties for this edition, nor of any other translation intended for people too poor to buy them.

Brown University Library [PR6029.R8 A6319 1947 Hay Star]:

Author: Orwell, George, 1903-1950

Uniform ti: Animal farm. Ukrainian

Title: Kolhosp tvaryn : kazka / George Orwell ; z anhliis’koji movy pereklav Ivan CHernjаtyns’kyi ; [foreword to Ukrainian language edition prepared by author]

Published [Munich?] : Prometei, [1947?]

Descript’n 90, [1] p. : port. ; 21 cm

Note: On verso of t.p.: Translation based upon 1945 English language edition of author’s work. Avtoryzovanyi pereklad z anhliis’koji movy HAY STAR copy: [2] leaves of bookseller’s correspondence removed and filed separately in the manuscripts collection. One letter refers to "a letter to Arthur Koestler dated Sept. 20, 1947 [where] the American authorities in Munich had seized some 1500 copies and turned them over to Soviet authorities. More than a few did get through, however." Rlin/oclc ocm37521170

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